Wednesday, June 22, 2011

3 Arguments Against The Singularity

     Charles Stross let's us know what he really thinks about the idea of the singularity:

"Uploading ... is not obviously impossible unless you are a crude mind/body dualist. However, if it becomes plausible in the near future we can expect extensive theological arguments over it. If you thought the abortion debate was heated, wait until you have people trying to become immortal via the wire. Uploading implicitly refutes the doctrine of the existence of an immortal soul, and therefore presents a raw rebuttal to those religious doctrines that believe in a life after death. People who believe in an afterlife will go to the mattresses to maintain a belief system that tells them their dead loved ones are in heaven rather than rotting in the ground.

     I first heard of this concept  in Charlie's book Accelerando and it is one of the most interesting takes on the subject. I strongly suggest that any fan of sci-fi read this book immediately. Also his new novel Rule 34 drops on July 5th!

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