Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The 2012 Election: "Send In The Clowns!"

      The election is more than a year away and it is already shaping up to be the most comical that I've ever seen. Obama is still in governing mode: a special mode which makes it a nearly impossible task to get even a little excited about anything he has to say. Once he switches to campaign mode (ie. a strong progressive), maybe people will start to pay attention to the Democratic side, but as for now, the Republicans candidates are at the center of all the attention. There have already been two debates and it still looks unlikely that they will pick a nominee that will have even the slightest chance in the general election.
     2012 is going to if not exciting, at least hilarious to follow. More to come...

     In the meantime, enjoy this video which lays out the case for the drastic state of nation and what needs to be done to fix it.

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